Nom Elfique: Inwë Celebrindal

Nom Hobbit: Esmerelda Bumbleroot of Fair Downs

Otaku Purity Test: You answered "yes" to 62 of 200 questions, making you 69.0% otaku pure (31.0% otaku corrupt). (Le résultat à prendre en compte est le % de corruption)

Yaoi Purity Test: You answered "yes" to 14 of 105 questions, making you 86.7% yaoi pure (13.3% yaoi corrupt). (Le résultat à prendre en compte est le % de corruption)

Test de personnalité du One Piece Red Grand Characters: Je suis Mr 02 (Bon Clay)

Test de personnalité du One Piece Bleu Grand Data File: Je suis Tony Tony Chopper

Which Naruto Character Are You?
Test by naruto -

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What Ninja Class Are You?
Hosted by Anime. Done right.

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Quel personnage de FMA es-tu?
par Quizilla

People aren't sure what to make of you. You show both your mischevious and tomboyish side, and your more sensitive and vulnerable side at seemingly random times. But you're good at heart, practical and down-to-earth, "unfettered by foolish dreams". Sometimes the confusion of growing up makes you want to run away and seek the security you crave, but why not learn to take comfort in the people around you rather than turning away from them instead?
Which Love Hina Girl Are You?

Hikaru - Do you ever shut up? But we love you,
anyways. You have no control, whatsoever, but
you've learned how to live with that.
nicer to your mom, ok? You're somewhat thick,
and you have an obsession with food, also.

Which Hikaru no Go character are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Je suis Hikaru. Et toi, quel perso de HNG es-tu ?

Je suis Mokona !

Quel personnage de Tsubasa reservoir chronicle êtes-vous ?
Test réalisé par Skuld

Mmmm... fangirly.
You're a bishounen!
You're male, but people often mistake you for the other option. You're unfeasibly thin and pretty and always have perfect hair, often surrounded by sparkles/sakura/roses. You almost certainly have a tragic backstory which involves one or more of your parents, and are liable to have a Tragic Destiny (TM). You were almost certainly invented by a female mangaka, are worshipped by a female audience, and your life is characterised by periods of extreme pain and angst. Sucks to be you.
Which generic anime character are you?

You Are 10% Boyish and 90% Girlish
Even if you're not a girl, you're very feminine.
You're in touch with your feelings, and your heart rules you.
A bit of a emotional roller coaster, one moment you're up and the next you're down.
But no matter what, you try to be as cute and perky as possible.
How Boyish or Girlish Are You?

You are Lloyd!
Which Tales of Symphonia Character Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

You scored as Kira. You're a kind person,but you care som much about your friends sometimes it blinds you to the path that's right.You want to make the right decisions but it's sometimes hard for you.You're a very sentimental person.

Which Gundam Seed Character are you?
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